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时间:2010-08-23 17:17:13  来源:  作者:


Mechanisms of Postoperative Pruritus

Chun-yu Li,  Jin-tai Jia, Zhen-shan Tang, Zhi-xiang Qin

Department of Anesthesiology, Heping’s Hospital, Medical College of Changzhi, Changzhi 046000,China


Postoperative itching is an important problem in the postoperative care unit. Pruritus after surgery may be induced by drugs or secondary to a preexisting systemic disease. Mechanisms of postoperative itching are complex and not completely understood. This review summarized up-to-date knowledge of the pathways and mediators involved in the development and central transmission of the itch sensation.

Key words: Postoperative Pruritus; Mechanism; Pathway;  Mediator; Anesthesia



1. 概述





过去对瘙痒机制的认识尚不清楚,是由于完全将此作为亚疼痛状态从神经生理的角度去认识。然而,目前更多的研究证明疼痛和瘙痒是通过大量不同的初级神经元进行感觉传导的。一种C类伤害感受器可传导瘙痒,这类感受器对机械感觉迟钝,但对组胺敏感[2]。这些神经纤维分布在真皮与表皮之间,神经轴细小,其分枝广泛分布于真皮,这些无髓C纤维在同侧的脊髓背角传导瘙痒冲动[3],这里有特异的瘙痒次级神经元突触存在,这些次级神经元可以将信息即刻通过腹侧的脊髓丘脑束传至中央后回感受躯体感觉的皮质[4]。介导瘙痒的C纤维传导速率很低(平均0.5 m/s),大约是机械-热伤害感受器传导速率的一半,受体分布面积大约是机械-热伤害感受器受体分布面积的3倍多(直径可以达到85mm)[2]。迄今为止,这条通路仅仅是一条已被确认的通路,其他未被发现的通路还可能存在。








3.1 组胺


3.2 前列腺素和白三烯


3.3 乙酰胆碱


3.4  5-羟色胺


3.5  肽类



3.5 蛋白酶







3.6  细胞因子





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