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时间:2010-08-24 09:09:53  来源:  作者:

        Clinical study and long term evaluation of immunomodulation therapy on trauma, severe sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome patients HUANG Shun wei, GUAN Xiang dong, CHEN Juan, OU YANG Bin. Surgery Intensive Care Unit, the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat Sen University, Guangzhou 510080, Guangdong, China
        【Abstract】Objective To study the clinical effect and long term evaluation of immunomodulation therapy on trauma, severe sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) patients.

        Methods Prospective, randomized, blind and controlled clinical analysis of 70 patients conforming to the enrolled standard was carried out. They were divided into two groups at random. One was control group (n=34) with regular therapy, and the treatment group (n=36) with ulinastatin plus thymosinα1 on the base of regular therapy for 1 week. The immunological indexes were determined before and after therapy on the 1 st, 3 rd, 7 th, 14 th and 28 th day, including the changes in lymphocyte count, CD14+ monocytes human leukocyte antigen (locus) DR (HLADR), clinical data and long term follow up.

        Results During hospitalization, 20 patients died in the control group and 13 patients died in the treatment group. There was significant difference between two groups (P<0.05=. After 7 up to 28 days of therapy, the counts of lymphocyte and CD14+ monocytes HLADR were significantly higher than those in control group (all P<0.05=. The duration of using mechanical ventilation and pressor agent in the treatment group were shorter than those in the control group (both P<0.01). The length of stay and the cost in the intensive care unit (ICU) were not significantly increased in the treatment group (both P>0.05). The long term survival time in the treatment group was much longer than that in the control group (P<0.05=.

        Conclusions Immunomodulation therapy can improve the prognosis of trauma, severe sepsis and MODS patients in a period of 28 days of observation, and lymphocyte counts and CD14+ monocytes HLADR were increased significantly, showing that immunosuppression can be ameliorated. Immunomodulation therapy can shorten the time of mechanical ventilation and the use of pressor agent, and it does not increase the length of stay and the cost in ICU, and therefore the cost effectiveness is high. It also can prolong the longterm survival time. The results show that immunomodulation therapy is one of successful therapeutic strategies in the care of critical illness.

        【Key words】trauma;severe sepsis;multiple organ dysfunction syndrome;immunomodulation therapy

        1 资料与方法
        1.1 研究对象:将2004年1月—2005年6月本院收治的70例创伤性严重脓毒症和MODS患者纳入本研究中。其中男58例,女12例;平均年龄(55±17)岁。所有病例均满足1990年Shoemaker等〔3〕制定的腹部外科高危患者指标和1991年美国胸科医师协会/危重病医学会(ACCP/SCCM)推荐的诊断标准〔4〕。
        1.2 治疗方法:采用前瞻、随机、单盲和对照的临床研究。凡符合入选标准的患者随机分为两组:①对照组34例,按经典重症监护室(ICU)治疗方案,参照2003年“拯救脓毒症战役”(surviving sepsis campaign,SSC)会议制定的“脓毒症治疗指南”〔5〕,不具备相应治疗条件(如人体活化蛋白C治疗)者除外。②治疗组36例,除经典ICU治疗方案外,同时接受抗炎治疗药物蛋白酶抑制剂(乌司他丁)200 kU静脉滴注,每日3次,连续3 d,然后改用10 kU,每日3次,连续4 d。同时增加免疫刺激治疗药物胸腺肽α1,每次皮下或肌肉注射1.6 mg,每日2次,连续3 d,继而改为1.6 mg,每日1次,连续4 d。 

        1.3 观察指标:观察治疗前及治疗后1、3、7、14和28 d淋巴细胞计数和CD14+单核细胞人白细胞DR抗原(HLADR)水平的动态变化。以28 d为观察时间,判断患者预后转归情况。以2005年9月为随访观察终点,“+”表示仍然生存。
        1.4统计学方法:采用SPSS 10.0软件进行统计学处理。两组免疫学指标结果以均数±标准差(x±s)表示;两组临床资料以中位数(M)表示;用KaplanMeier方法作生存分析,结果以M、标准误和95%可信区间表示。两组差异显著性检验用两独立样本均数t检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
        2 结果
        2.1 一般情况:70例患者中共死亡33例,均死于MODS;其中对照组死亡20例,治疗组死亡13例,两组比较差异有显著性(P<0.05)。手术构成:移植科占51%,胃肠外科占19%,肝胆外科占13%,血管外科占9%,其他占8%。

        2.2 免疫学指标比较(图1,图2):在治疗组,7 d淋巴细胞计数及CD14+单核细胞HLADR水平均较对照组显著升高,并持续至治疗后28 d,差异均有显著性(P均<0.05)。
        2.3 两组临床资料和生存分析的比较(表1,图3):在ICU治疗期间,治疗组患者机械通气和使用升压药的时间均较对照组明显缩短(P均<0.01);治疗组患者ICU住院时间和费用无显著增加(P均>0.05)。随访期间的观察结果显示:治疗组存活率为63.9%,平均生存时间为342 d,标准误为47 d,95%的可信区间为250~434 d;而对照组存活率为41.1%,平均生存时间为245 d,标准误为50 d,95%的可信区间为147~343 d;治疗组远期生存时间较对照组明显延长(P<0.05)。
        3 讨论
        当前监测危重患者免疫学指标的方法有很多,但能够定量地被使用的方法只有淋巴细胞计数和CD14+单核细胞HLADR水平的检测〔8,9〕。本研究采用动态观察患者淋巴细胞计数和CD14+单核细胞HLADR水平变化来推测免疫调理治疗的效果。与既往同类研究的不同之处在于:①治疗药物的选择为免疫调理治疗,不单一用药;②治疗时间窗的动态观察由治疗前延续至治疗后28 d,有远期随访。
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