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时间:2010-08-24 09:09:06  来源:  作者:


 Objective: To compare the clinical application of plastic single-use Macintosh laryngoscope blade with metal reusable Macintosh laryngoscope blade for orotracheal intubation during rapid sequence induction of anesthesia.

Methods: Two hundred patients, ASAⅠⅡscheduled for elective surgery under general anaesthesia requiring orotracheal intubation were selected. Information was collected identifying the patient demographics and airway assessment features (Mallampati oropharyngeal scale, thyromental distance and mouth opening). After induction, the patient’s glottis was exposed by plastic single-use Macintosh laryngoscope blade or metal reusable Macintosh laryngoscope blade in random order and recorded the Cormack-Lehane grade of laryngeal view respectively. The patient was intubated using the later type of laryngoscope. Parameters were recorded, including age, sex, height, weight, thyromental distance, mouth opening and ease of laryngeal view and injury of upper airway.

Results: There were 200 patients including 112 males and 88 females, age range 54±14 years, height 160.3±12.5 cm, weight 65.2±13.9kg, thyromental distance 7.1±1.2cm, mouth opening 3.8±0.7cm. The laryngeal views were statistical significance (P<0.01) between Mallampati oropharyngeal grade and the Cormack-Lehane grade. Laryngeal view of metal reusable Macintosh laryngoscope blade was better than the plastic single-use Macintosh laryngoscope blade. There was no considerable injuries recorded in all patients.

 Conclusion: The plastic single-use Macintosh laryngoscope blade yielded worse laryngeal view compared with metal reusable Macintosh laryngoscope blade for orotracheal intubation during rapid sequence induction of anesthesia.

Key words:  Tracheal intubation; Laryngoscopy



   1. 临床资料

本研究包括200ASAⅠ级、拟在经口气管插管全身麻醉下实施择期手术的成人患者,手术包括普外科、泌尿外科、骨科及妇产科等各类择期手术。患者入选标准:年龄>18岁;②ASA分级 级;无明显颈部活动障碍;④Mallampati舌咽结构分级为级。患者排除标准:①ASA分级>Ⅲ级;凝血功能障碍;颅内高压;困难插管史以及张口度小于2cm。本研究得到本院伦理委员会同意和入选患者的知情同意。

   2. 麻醉处理



    患者入室后,仰卧位,监测心电图、无创血压、脉搏氧饱和度,腕部尺神经位连接外周神经刺激仪;建立外周静脉输液通道。静脉诱导前吸纯氧3min,诱导用药为咪达唑仑0.04mg/kg、芬太尼2μg/kg、丙泊酚2 mg/kg、罗库溴铵1mg/kg;面罩纯氧手动呼吸至充分肌肉松弛(4个成串刺激无肌收缩60Hz50mA)时按下述方法进行试验。











    一般情况和气道评估:200例患者中男112例,女88例;年龄54±14,体重65.2±13.9 kg,身高160.3±12.5 cm。手术前评估Mallampati舌咽结构分级级者10例,余无困难气道情况。见表1




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