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时间:2010-08-24 11:38:19  来源:  作者:

The effect of continuous positive airway pressure CPAPduring pre-oxygenation and induction of general anaesthesia on duration of non-hypoxic apnoea


Xiao-jing Huang, Shi-tong Li, Zheng-ping Wang, Quan-ying Jin, Yu-cai Zhang 


 Objective:  To observe the effect of continuous positive airway pressure(CPAP) during pre-oxygenation and induction of anaesthesia upon the safe duration of non-hypoxic apnoea.

 Methods:  Forty patients undergoing general anesthesia were randomly divided into two groups, group CPAP and control group (group C, n=20 each). All patients breathed spontaneously before and during induction without control or assistant ventilation. Two minutes before intravenous induction, patients began to inhale 100% O2 via face mask continuously. Patients in group CPAP inhaled oxygen with CPAP of 6cmH2O, while patients in group C without CPAP. After induction and intubation, all patients were not ventilated until SpO2 decreased to 90%. The safe duration of non-hypoxic apnoea (from breath stopping to SpO2 of 90%)was recoded. Blood pressure and heart rate were monitored before oxygen inhalation(T1),after induction(T2),after intubation(T3) and at the time of SpO2 reaching 90%(T90)respectively. Arterial blood gas analysis was performed before induction(after 2 min of oxygen inhalation) and at the time of SpO2 to 90%(T90).

Results:  The safe duration of apnoea was significantly longer in group CPAP than that in group C (561.1±31.8s vs. 461.4±30.4s, P0.05). PaO2 at T90 and PaCO2 at Tx in two groups were similar. However, PaO2 at Tx and PaCO2 at T90 were higher in group CPAP than those in group C505.7±16.5 vs 448.1±17.8 mmHg, 67.1±1.7 vs 61.6±1.5 mmHg, P0.05.The blood pressure and heart rate in two groups were similar all the time. No stomach inflation occoured in any case of two groups.

Conclusion:  The application of CPAP during induction of anesthesia prolongs the safe duration of non-hypoxic apnoea without side-effects.

Key words:  Continuous Positive Airway Pressure(CPAP);Apnoea





一般资料  随机选择ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级、年龄1865岁择期手术全麻患者40例。随机分为CPAP组和对照组(C组),每组20例。所选患者须符合以下条件:术前血红蛋白(Hb)﹥100g/L,红细胞压积(Hct)﹥32%,吸室内空气血氧饱和度(SpO2)﹥95%,心肺功能无异常,无脑血管疾病和颅内压增高,体重指数﹤25Kg/m2

麻醉诱导和监测指标  术前肌注鲁米那0.1g、阿托品0.5mg。入室应用Datex-Ohmeda监测仪持续监测无创血压、Ⅱ导联心电图(ECG)、心率(HR)和SpO2。开放外周静脉通路,以5mlŸkg-1Ÿh-1输注乳酸林格氏液,在局麻下行桡动脉穿刺置管查血气。应用TOF-Watch-SX肌松监测仪监测肌松药起效时间,确定气管插管时间。

诱导前,去枕平卧,CPAP组先调节麻醉机环路的溢气阀(APL)使环路内最高限压为6cmH2O,紧扣面罩(完全密闭),患者自主呼吸,麻醉机氧流量10L/min,给予CPAPC组患者自主呼吸,氧流量10L/min,面罩完全密闭通气(APL限压为0cmH2O)。面罩给氧持续2min后麻醉诱导,静脉注射芬太尼4ug/kg、丙泊酚2mg/kg,意识消失后开启肌松检测仪,注射罗库溴铵0.6mg/kg,并开始计时,面罩仍紧扣至气管插管前, TOFR0时行经口明视下气管内插管并固定,此时不连接麻醉机,直至SpO2降至90%(无通气安全时限),立即接Datex-Ohmeda麻醉呼吸机控制呼吸予以通气。记录入室后(T1)、诱导后(T2)、插管后(T3)、SpO2降至90%时(T90)的血压(mmHg)、心率(b/m);无通气安全时限(s);分别于吸氧2min时(Tx)、SpO2降至90%(T90)抽血行血气分析(i-STAT血气分析仪)。手术中由外科医生评估胃胀气情况。

统计分析  应用SAS6.12软件进行分析,计量资料用均数±标准差( ±s)表示,组内用配对t检验,组间用非配对t检验,P0.05为差异有显着意义。


一般情况和安全无通气时限  两组患者性别构成比、年龄、身高、体重、术前Hb以及吸空气时的SpO2无统计学差异。CPAP组的无通气安全时限为(561.1±31.8sC组为(461.4±30.4sCPAP组显着长于C组(P0.05)(表1)。

动脉血气分析  两组吸氧2min时(TxPaO2有统计学差异, CPAPPaO2显着高于C组(P0.05,CPAPPaCO2略高于C组,但无显着统计学差异。两组SpO2降至90%(T90)PaCO2有统计学差异,CPAP组显着高于C组(P0.05,两组T90PaO2无显着统计学差异(表2)。

血压和心率  两组入室时(T1)、诱导完后(T2)血压、心率无差异。插管后(T3CPAP组平均动脉压略有降低(74.9±2.4),但两组之间统计学无显着差异。两者心率无差异。SpO2降至90%(T90)CPAP组心率略有上升(870±3.9,但无统计学差异,两组平均动脉压无差异。


麻醉前的吸氧去氮目的在于增加肺内氧的贮备延长插管期间无通气的安全时限避免发生缺氧正常人体内氧的储量主要来源于肺的储备即肺泡气的氧浓度与肺功能残气量(FRC)的乘积。预给氧时正压通气可以增加FRC,延长无通气安全时限。有研究发现诱导后手控通气10次,气道峰压40cmH2O1分钟后改为呼气末正压通气(PEEP 5cmH2O),动脉氧分压明显升高[1]增大潮气量,加用PEEP,可延长无通气安全时限[2]Rusca[3]联合CPAPPEEP共给氧5分钟,无通气时限明显增加。Herriger[4]做了进一步的研究,予以100%氧气CPAP6cmH20),诱导后经面罩机械通气用PEEP (6cmH20),发现正压通气较无正压通气的无通气安全时限延长2分钟多。以上的研究表明无论单用PEEP或者联合CPAP,无通气安全时限均有提高。但镇静患者无论是手控通气还是面罩下PEEP,不能完全避免因通气而引起的胃胀气。



本研究显示两组SpO2降至90%时的动脉血二氧化碳分压(PaCO2)有统计学差异,CPAP组显著高于C组。有模拟人体研究发现:在无通气最初几秒钟, PaCO2大约升高6mmHg,随后,PaCO2大约以3.75mmHg.min-1速度递增,无通气10分钟大致可产生78mmHg[89]CPAP无通气安全时限长,二氧化碳的产生和蓄积较C组严重(67.1±1.761.6±1.5P0.05,但仍在安全范围内(见表2






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