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时间:2010-08-24 11:32:34  来源:  作者:


Chloroprocaine use successfully for spinal anesthesia<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


傅润乔 赵宏利 薛绵荣 王大伟
徐 伟 阎红林 张晓红 金运敏
司 满 李树林
同济大学北京微创医院(筹),北京市垂杨柳医院麻醉医学中心,北京 100022


Run-qiao Fu, Hong-li Zhao, Mian-rong Xue, et al.
Center of Anesthesiology, Chui Yangliu Hospital, Beijing 100022, China

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  Objective:To study possibility and safety of domestic chloroprocaine used for spinal anesthesia.

Method:40 primiparas were punctured from lumbar 2~3 spinal interspace and injected a 2.2ml mixture (2.5% chloroprocaine 1.2ml,10% glucose 0.5ml, 3% ephedrine 0.5ml) within 30~40 seconds into subarachnoid space.
  Results:(1) Onset time, thoracic11 pain-free time, time that lower limbs were unable to lift up, time of reaching to the highest nerve block level were, (22.78±9.52)sec,(3.65±0.86)min,(3.67±0.73)min and (8.04±1.11)min, respectively. The highest nerve block mean level were thoracic 4.05±1.38. Time of nerve block fade to thoracic11, time of lower limbs were able to lift up and time of anesthesia complete disappearance were, (54.75±8.60)min, (68.63±13.22)min and (77.50±16.97)min, respectively.
  (2) No one of primiparas complained surgery pain, and primiparas` abdominal muscles were relaxation.
  (3) Hypotensions occur at mean time (5.21±1.67)min in 17 cases (17%) after anesthesia, and were effectively corrected by ephedrine.
  (4) Nausea and vomiting were 22 (55%) cases, 12 (30%) associated to hypotension, and 16 (40%) respectively, during and operation.
  (5) We could not observe any general and spinal nerve toxic responses.
  (6) pH and density of 2.5% chloroprocaine were 6.38±0.55 and 1.012±0.003, respectively. pH and density of its spinal anesthesia mixture were 6.12±0.46 and 1.012±0.003, respectively.
  Conclusions:2.5% chloroprocaine can safe and effective use for spinal anesthesia. Its pH value is larger than that in literatures published.
  Key words:Chloroprocaine;Spinal anesthesia
  Corresponding author:Run-qiao Fu,MD.phD; Runqiao@yahoo.com.cn



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1. 病例选择
2. 麻醉方法
  取国产盐酸氯普鲁卡因(可谱诺,山西晋城海斯药业生产,批号20041001)粉针1支,用生理盐水20ml稀释成2.5%的浓度备用。产妇入室后先开放静脉和接无创生命监护仪(HP, Spacelab), 监测血压、心电图和指脉搏氧饱和度。均在右侧卧位下行L2~3硬膜外穿刺,成功后用针内针行腰麻穿刺,见脑脊液外流后,向蛛网膜下间隙(针斜面向尾侧)注入氯普鲁卡因合剂(2.5%氯普鲁卡因1.2ml,10%葡萄糖0.5ml,3%麻黄碱0.5ml)共2.2ml,注射速度预设30秒或40秒(对秒表给药)。退出腰穿针,迅速向头端硬膜外置管3~4cm,固定、平卧。并随即左倾手术床约10°,并向左侧推移子宫,以缓解下腔静脉受压干扰循环,同时麻醉机面罩吸氧3~4L/min, 快速输入贺斯500ml(20~30min)。如手术时间较长硬膜外追加用药者予以排除。
3. 观察并记录项目
  (6)药液pH和比重 将每例2.5%氯普鲁卡因液和再配制的腰麻合剂送检验科,用尿液十一项干化学分析(H-300型仪, 长春迪瑞实业有限公司提供),以“尿样”形式测定药液的pH和比重。
4. 统计学处理

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参 考 文 献

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