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时间:2010-08-24 11:31:38  来源:  作者:

The Development of a New Type of Laryngeal Mask Airway and Preliminary Clinical Study
林必盛 吴世铨
台中市404北区育德路2号  台湾
Bi-Chen Lin Shi-Quan Wu
Department of andesthesia, Affiiiiated Hospital of Chinese Medicine University, Taiwan
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Objective: A form of new supraglottic airway with its unique characteristic of self-distention during ventilation, assume to have the property of ease of insertion and good airway sealing pressure. In order to prove the above hypothesis, an oro-pharyngeal airway cap (OPLAC) was developed and tested for its ease of insertion and airway sealing pressure in comparison with the classic laryngeal mask airway.
: Using CT scanning, a small size circular mask coated with radio-opaque material connected with a tube inserted into the pharynx of a subject (the investigator) was visualized in relation to the pharyngeal structure and which cavity was reconstructed according to above data. A prototype of supraglottic airway was constructed according to the pharyngeal model obtained from the above processes and tested clinically in patients and comparing with the classic LMA for ease of insertion and airway sealing pressure.
: A prototype of new supraglottic airway was successfully developed and patented in several country. Clinical investigation revealed that although the insertion of OPLAC took more time than the classic LMA (OPLAC13.70±6.05 sec vs . LMA 10.13±6.03 sec, P=0.02),in all the cases the successful insertion were accomplished within 20 sec. The airway sealing pressure was significantly higher for OPLAC than the classic LMA (OPLAC 27.50±3.74 cmH2O vs. LMA24.10±5.36 cmH2O,P=0.006).
: This investigation proves that with the knowledge of anatomy and the skill in using medical devices, the health personals have the abillty to develop a medical device that will meet the specific medical requirement.
Key words: LMA;CT scan: Airway sealing pressure; Insertion time.

  一、 前 言

  Supraglottic气道是在不侵入喉头的前提下用以帮助气道通畅的一种装置。这些气道装置是有许多不同的类型,这类气道的典型就是喉罩(Laryngeal mask airway, LMA)。LMA被广泛地使用在特定的手术以维持气道通畅,也运用于困难插管,在某些中心也用于心肺复苏[1-3]。LMA是用医疗用硅胶制造,在经过高压蒸气消毒后可重复使用,但是因为有消毒不完整之顾虑(例如:狂犬病蛋白质prion)[4-6],目前在中国医药大学附设医院已开发出一种新形式的Supraglottic 气道专供成人使用,并已取得多国专利。它具有自我延展面罩的特色,而且利用呼吸气道内的压力膨胀周围达到气道密闭的功能,把它名为Oro-PharyrgeaL Airway Cap (OPLAC),虽然它有硅胶膜帽般的结构,但是是个单次使用、用完即弃的装置。

  二、 材料与方法
  以上的设计之目的是为了使OPLAC比LMA更能容易插入并能与气道更有效的密合,在这研究中,为了检验这个假说,并了解两种装置表现差异。在插入时间和气道密合度压力的大小,在临床上以30个成年病患来测试比较这两种装置。这个研究在以一个单盲、随机受试者内交叉的方式进行30个病人测试,分成2组,1组先插OPLAC,另1组先插可重复可用的LMA(图六)。先插OPLAC组15个病例全部在手术结束病人尚在较深麻醉时继续用sevorlurane麻醉并加肌肉松驰剂后再换LMA。另1组先插LMA 15个病例全部在手术结束病人尚在较深麻醉时继续用sevofurane麻醉并加肌肉松驰剂后再换OPLAC。麻醉的过程处理依据以下标准化作业流程;头和颈部的呼吸位置是病人枕以7公分高的稳固枕头,使用标准监视器给予病人呼吸氧气,以Fentany11μg•kg-1进行麻醉诱导,2分钟后给予propfol 2mg•kg-1以O2和Sevoflurane 2%~3% 维持麻醉,以atracurium 0.5mg•kg-1完成神经肌肉阻断。病人通过面罩换气3~5分钟,OPLAC是由LMA的熟悉使用者(使用经验500次以上)单独插入病患口中并维持一持续性的向后压力,直到感觉失去阻力止。管子固定在下巴后接上循环麻醉呼吸系统以确定OPLAC尾部自然的曲线能和IMA一样维持。插入LMA(女性用3号,男性用4号)方法是依制造商的建议,当cuff进入咽喉时以空气打气膨胀,当装置无法固定并从嘴中移除时定义为有一失败的尝试[7-10]
  气道密合压力测试方法是在3L•min-1的固定气流以靠近呼吸阀门压力表数值到达equilibrium时纪录气道压力(以气道装置的近端测量)[11]。一个气体采样管连接到气体监视器放在嘴边并盖闭鼻孔,当有CO2或麻醉剂在监视器中被侦测时纪录漏气压力。如果H2O压力上升到30公分仍未有CO2或麻醉剂被测,就终止测试。并假定密闭压力超过30cmH2O。收集资料时保持观察者在手术室外,由单盲目资料收集者来评估,每当装置露出时以纸盖覆住。所有动作和数据以录像机纪录。<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

参 考 文 献:
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