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时间:2010-08-24 11:31:35  来源:  作者:

Effects of Hypothermia on Isoflurane MAC in Pediatric Patients with Congenital Heart Diseases <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

陈 雷
Lei Chen, MD, PhD
Department of Anesthesiology, Cardiovascular Institute and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100037, China


 Objective: To determine the effects of hypothermia on isoflurane MAC in children. 
 Methods: 28 unpremedicated children with congenital heart disease and left-to-right shunts undergoing open heart surgeries were studied. All patients were induced with isoflurane and 80% N2O in oxygen. Tracheal intubation was facilitated with succinylcholine 1mg•kg-1 i.v., and no additional muscle relaxant medication and other drugs which acted on the cardiovascular system was administered until the skin incision. Anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane in oxygen prior to skin incision. End-tidal isoflurane were maintained at stable concentrations for at least 15 min prior to the skin incision. Depending on their nasopharyngeal temperature at the time of skin incision, the patients were divided into three groups: Group I (37°C, n=10), Group II (34°C, n=10), and Group III (31.0°C, n=8). The MAC in each temperature group was determined by using the standard Dixon "up-and-down" approach.
 Results: Isoflurane MAC values were 1.6083 Vol %, 1.275 Vol%, and 1.26 Vol % in Group I, II, and III, respectively. Regression analysis revealed a linear correlation between nasopharyngeal temperature and isoflrane MAC [MAC (Vol%) = 0.0471×  T(°C)-0.3, r = 0.89, p < 0.05].
 Conclusion: This study demonstrates that hypothermia will decrease the isoflurane anesthetic requirement in children in a temperature-related fashion.
 Key words:  Inhalation Anesthetics, Isoflurane; Minimum Alveolar Concentration; Temperature, Hypothermia; Congenital Heart Disease

  目前,异氟醚(isofluraneISO)作为吸入麻醉药已在临床得到广泛的应用。它具有诱导迅速、平稳、心血管系统副作用轻微等优点,尤其适用于心血管手术。但心血管手术绝大部分需在低温体外循环下进行,故了解温度对其最小有效肺泡气浓度(minimum alveolar concentrationMAC)的影响是非常重要的。因此,我们通过测定不同温度下ISO的MAC值,了解ISO的MAC随温度变化的情况,从而掌握两者间的相关变化规律,为在低温下ISO的安全使用提供指导。 

材料和方法<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

麻醉诱导和维持:N2O 4L/min + O2 1L/min经面罩吸入至唤之不醒、睫毛反射消失,然后开启异氟醚挥发罐,浓度由0.2%开始,经3分钟逐渐升至5.0%,关闭N2O,维持约5分钟。静脉给予琥珀胆碱1 mg•kg-1,气管插管后,每分钟记录SBP、DBP、MAP、HR、SaO2、ETCO2、ETISO,连续5次,气管插管后至切皮不使用任何肌松药。气管插管后,调节O2流量至2L/min。调节吸入ISO浓度使每组第一例患儿的终末呼气中的ISO浓度维持恒定在预定水平(A组1.5%、B组1.3%、C组1.15%)。切皮前维持终末呼气中的ISO浓度在预定水平至少15min。
  切皮前维持设定浓度和温度5分钟,测定对照值。切皮前观察者就位,切皮后观察1min看四肢动否: 动为阳性,不动为阴性。记录切皮时SaO2、ETCO2、ETISO、SBP、DBP、MAP、HR及温度。切皮后每分钟记录以上参数,连续5min。
            结 果

  根据标准的Dixon法测定后计算,A、B、C三组ISO的MAC值分别为1.6083 Vol%、1.275 Vol%和1.26 Vol%。ISO的MAC值与温度之间有很显著的线性关系(表2)。

                  讨 论

  有关在多种动物体上温度对MAC的影响已有报道,其中包括对异氟醚MAC的影响。MAC值主要因药物的种类和动物的种属不同而各异,是吸入麻醉药的固有特性之一[2. 3]。而物种体内的环境变化,如血气酸碱平衡和水电解质平衡、CO2水平、血红蛋白等,对其无显著影响。但低温本身即有一定的麻醉作用,对其却有公认的影响[2, 4-7]
  对于测得异氟醚MAC结果较常人为高,其可能原因有二:一是小儿所需麻醉药浓度较成人高[8]; 二是左向右分流的血液动力学改变有可能对其有一定程度的影响。考虑应以前者为主。
  本研究结果表明:在左向右分流先心病患儿,37°C时异氟醚最小有效肺泡气浓度为1.6083 Vol%;而且,随着温度的降低,异氟醚的MAC值呈明显的下降趋势,在31°C时降至1.26 Vol%。
  此结果提示: 左向右分流先心病患儿的异氟醚最小有效肺泡气浓度较正常人为高;对于低温全麻患者,给予较小浓度的异氟醚吸入即可达到所需的麻醉深度,从而为麻醉提供更大的安全性并在一定范围内节约了麻醉费用。<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

参 考 文 献
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